Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Nicoles Day 10 Responce

Responce to Kevin:

Adventures are always fun to take, especially if it with people you get along with. Adventures allow you to explore and live different experiences. I believe that there are different types of adventures, one that takes place mentally, and one that takes place physically. In the book Lost In Place, Mark goes through many physical adventures. But I on the other hand was very different.
As a child I wasn’t able to go out as much as a normal kid simply because there were no kinds in my neighborhood to play with. I would stay inside and make my own adventures. I used my imagination and let it take me everywhere. Since I didn’t have friends to play with, I would use my stuffed animals as a prop. As i explored all around my house, I would take my stuffed animals with me so they could enjoy my adventures. Every day would be a new setting: the beach, a tea party, in the ocean, in a jungle, I would even convince myself that I was a real princess. Despite the fact that I didn’t have any friends or siblings to grow up with, I feel that letting my imagination take me places made me more artistic in the long run.
I envy the fact that Mark had many adventures while he was growing up. In Chapter 8, Mark tells us about an experience that sounds like a crazy adventure. He got an opportunity to go camping with Michael, Bill, and Sensi for a fighting tournament. Since Mark and Michael rode in the car with Sensi, they thought it would be a good idea to leave their stuff in Bills car. Bill ended up taking 3 days to get to the camp ground while Mark and Michael where left without food, dry cloths, and shelter.
Experiences like those make you stronger in the long run. It is fun to look back on the situation and think about how things have changed since then.

Responce to ???:

Finding who you are and what you love is something that needs to be done. For some it might take longer than others to find themselves. No matter how long it takes, just know that change is necessary. Change is a part of growing up. Some people, like me, have a hard time accepting change, but I know that it is necessary. If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, then we aren’t really living.
Coming from a family with such a close relationship, it is hard to grow up and leave home. But as the days go by I am beginning to accept that this is life. My mentality is the same and ever since I was younger I knew what I want to do for the rest of my life-dance. Ever since I left home, I have noticed a changed in my attitude. I am more of a go getter and I feel more confident on my own. I feel that I am really living life to the fullest.
Mark from Lost In Place is different. Throughout the book he is very indecisive about what he wants to do. He finally comes to the decision that he wants to make jazz music. Towards the end of the book, Mark begins to accept that he is doing what he wants for his own enjoyment. Mark no longer lives to impress others. As he matures, he gradually makes decisions regarding what he loves. I believe this is a good way of living

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