Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Response to Vince.

In my Book "Take the Cannoli" Sarah and i are Nearly Oppitsites. First at the beginning she wasnt the it girl to be around and hang out with. Me on the other hand i have friends & people like hanging out with me. Back when she ws in highschool she was a band geek as i called it , but she was in the Marching Band and she loved her music Instruments. Music is what she had to herself and was were she could get away and be sarah. Me on the other hand back in high school i was in the band but we werent nessacsalry called a marching band since Bogan highschool hasnt had a band in 30 years. So we were the band that sat on the bleachers and played the songs while the game was going. It was a class and i needed the grade. Well anyways i also lvoed music but i like writing, making beats and making actual songs. Sarah didnt have friends she was an outcast. She worn black like all the time. Never no color. Me, I had many friends till i found out who was real and waho wasnt. I wasnt and outcast i did my own thing and i always were color.

An event that helped me become who i am, was when i had to was actually going to a concert and discovering yeah this is what i really need to do. I went to a Of course Chris Brown Concert but also and local artist concert i forgot his name but yeah, i went to his concert and i was just so inspired and i knew i didnt want a reguar office job i wanted to be a Entertainer!!!!!

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