Wednesday, August 24, 2011


(I'm cross eyed because the drink was so delicious...)

Reflecting on how I felt about the bridge program again?! I have no problem with that, being able to stay and complete the program for the full four weeks. I definitely have a lot to say about my experience in this program. As I said before, the bridge program helped me grow not only as a student but as a person as well. I came into the program thinking it was going to be easy for me and that I wouldn’t even have to stress about it. Little did I know that the bridge was no joke. The very first day Danielle scared the shit out of me. I had no clue that they weren’t messing around. If you messed up once, then you’re out. Actually, she even said that all the teachers are looking for a reason to kick the students out because they don’t want them to waste their money on college if they aren’t going to be able to complete the assignments that they give them over the four weeks.
I think the best part about the bridge program that I really like was the workshops. I had never had a workshop in my life. The whole criticizing on each of our paper was something that I really liked because who ever read their paper they were not able to talk back to the criticizer. Honestly, it helped me a lot on what to do so I would be able to improve my essays. Something that I equally liked about the program was that we had lectures. That also was something new to me that I never had in my life, Different topics every time. Some I liked, some I didn’t but regardless I always learned something new from the lectures.
I understand that Columbia is an art school and all, but I honestly hated all of the museums that we went to. Maybe it’s just me because I never liked museums since I was a kid. To be honest, I kind of liked the first one that we went to. Then everything felt like it was the same after a while and I lost interest. Maybe if we were able to go watch a different type of “art” rather than look at things framed and put up against a plain wall. I would have definitely liked it a lot more if we were able to go to some dance show or something then talk about what we liked about the dance or something related to that.
The best advice I have for the bridge students next year is…Do your shit, don’t slack until you have that damn Columbia box in your hands. You honestly never know who or when someone is going to get kicked out. Finish your homework and come to class early. Something that I noticed with bridge students is that some of them have bad attitudes. No matter how much you dislike your teacher (not saying that I disliked any of my teachers) don’t talk back, keep your mouth shut, and be respectful.
Thank you Danielle and Perrin for pushing me to become a better student! I hope to see you both around during the school year. To the ten that still stand in this classroom, I wish you all the best and hope everything works out for you all during the school year. Be safe and don’t slack! Remember why we are all here in the first place. STUDY HARD! PEACE!

Feel free to add me on facebook if you would like. Just search up "Mario Ballesteros" or!/profile.php?id=583269809

-Mario | Lionz Of Zion / Mentally Unstable


  1. MARIO ! good Luck Man ! WE MADE IT ! : ) -Eric

  2. Definitely glad I got a chance to know you...Good Luck Mario-Nikkea

  3. bye mario, it was fun being late with you today!

  4. Good luck mario

  5. We did it, keep that spinning stuff up, it's still amazing each time I see it. Good luck man!
