Tuesday, August 16, 2011


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In Take the Cannoli, Sarah on tales on a Rock n' Roll Fantasy Camp. Which became her worst nightmare. She spent her five days cooped up attending quitar workshops taught by moldy rock big shots.  the camp attracted thirty-three partcipants from all over the United States. The first class Sarah attends is the most sensible seminar of the camp. Lofgren a kind, respctful man. Lofgren knows what he's doing and he doesnt get all cirlicued about it. Over the course of the camp, Sarah sits through nearly a dozen seminars. That become painfully obvious that rock n' roll high school is a lot like real high school. Sarah's having the quintessential camp experience-homesickness. Most of her days are taken up either wishing she was anywhere but the camp or pretending to have a good time. Her malaise at the camp had much to do with musical polemics. The fact that all the campers knew more than she did. Sarah's problem, the partcipants were too darn nice. Embarrassed that she might have partcipated  for malicious intentions, to make fun of the self-satisfied yuppies. But the campers ruined her fun by being so likable.
Some adventures I've taken on lately would be just to explore more by myself. Getting familiar with things without the help of others. Trying to become more and more independent.

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