Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Dear Self

Dear Me,

Hey so I see that we made it to the very last week. That's such a great feeling isn't it? Well how are things I've noticed that we have changed since four weeks ago. I've seen how you stand up for your opinion more and isn't afraid to speak your mind and share your ideas with those around you. It's cool that our paper writing has improved. Well I hope that it did. I remember in high school you never got anything higher than a C on a paper. I really hope that these past 9 papers were really high works compared to high school. I mean I believe that we finally did something great with writing what we wrote. I mean we are very opinionated and all.

Anyways I know we're very excited and at the same time scared about starting the fall semester this year. For example, as happy as we are for getting out of our hell hole that we call home, we still are going to miss some of the things from home. Such as: Oso, our little puppy that cuddles with us at night, or of course grandma. I know we are very worried if she is going to be okay when we leave. I'm excited for us that we get to finally live on our own. Like we finally get to make our decisions for ourself no longer have mom in our ear complaining about everything. Like I hope we will be less stressful like we were constantly at home. I mean even though being on our own can be scary it can also be a very happy moment. I'm so nervous about the work load we are going to have during the semester. I really hope it's not too hard. I'm also nervous about us getting our first job. We don't even knew how to get a job let alone look for one. I sure hope we can find one that is enjoyable but at the same time teaches us what hard work in the work place really is.

I really hope for the first year we are able to find a total new group then what we had in high school. So tired of the people we had to put up with during that time. Hope we can get along better with people we have more things in common with. I want us to start off strong for the first year of college. I don't want us to fall apart. I hope our family can finally support us in going to college and stop with all the bs that they feed us constantly. I'm really looking forward to learning new things. Being here at the Bridge Program really had me looking at the world and the views of the world differently. And I hope we will finally be able to share what we have to offer with the rest of the world. I hope we can find whats for us here at Columbia College.

1. Get way better grades and keep up with them unlike in high school
2. Finally get the independence that I have been seeking for the longest time.
3. Make new friends that will hopefully last for a life time.
4. Find the career goal that I truly want for myself.
5. Don't let those things that distract me that did in high school. aka: emotions and of course the love life...

I sure know that I have to stay focus and not let drama get in my way. That is one thing that will prevent me from doing what I need to do. My emotions are the very thing that affects everything that I do. I hope that I will have better control of my emotions then what I did. Sadly I have never had full control of my emotions. And when my emotions take over they sure do get the best of me.

Anyways with all being said I really hope this year will be the beginning of a great life that I have always wanted it to be.!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Julia! I know you'll do great during college! I was reading your goals and I definitely know exactly what your talking about in your first goal. I wish you the best during this year! Take care! Peace!

