Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Day 14: Letters to Yourselves

Yesterday, you wrote letters to the authors of your books--letters that will probably never be sent. Today, you are writing a letter to someone much more important: YOURSELF.

I know, I know--writing letters to yourselves seems a little strange. However, this is a longstanding Bridge program tradition, and it is meant as way for you to reflect on what you've learned in the program and, more importantly, for you to set goals for the coming year.

So, today you will write a letter to yourself in a 350-word blog post. Your letter should:

1. Talk about how you are different today than you were 4 weeks ago.

2. Talk about what you want out of your first year in college.

3. Talk about what you're afraid of and what you are excited about in the next year.

4. Set 5 very specific goals you plan to accomplish this year.

5. Acknowledge what--if anything--will prevent you from doing well this year.

After you have posted your letters on the blog, you must do two more things: comment on at least 3 other letters and print your letter. Once your letter is printed, come get an envelope from me, address the envelope to your permanent home address, sign and seal the letter and turn it in. I will mail it to you next summer. When I leave class today, I'll be mailing all of the letters from last year's Bridge students. Some of them will have met their goals, some of them will have not.

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