Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Last Blog!

Today will be your last time logging onto our class blog!

I know that we've asked you to do a lot of reflection in the past few days, but we're going to ask you to reflect one last time. This time, we'd like for you to reflect on your Bridge experience. Use today's final blog post as a way to reflect on the past 4 weeks, think about the best and the worst parts of your Bridge experience, offer advice for next year's Bridge students, and say goodbye to the program and each other.

These "goodbye" posts should be around 300 words. Then, after you've finished it, you must complete this Bridge exit survey:

Finally, after you've completed the survey, come back to the blog and try to respond to each one of your classmates' posts. Try your best to leave a message in response to all of them.

Happy posting! Congrats on making it to the end.

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