Wednesday, August 17, 2011


As i was reading stories on the OMB Website, i felt sorry for theses incedient people. What i found out was that this is actually happening in about Six different counties. I didnt know that the goverment was actully throwing poeples lifes out the window. The goverment is just ruining theses peoples lives and homes just to have control of country. There forcing kids in Burma to work for those who survied the attacks on there village. If you werent living in the goverments area where they could control you, you lived were they called the "Black Zone" and the soilders can just go there and shoot to kill anyone they see, with out any symthpy. The goverements troop were also know as the soliders of Rape. The soliders were allowed to go around and rape all women and forced pregnacy them because they want one race and they have a campaign for it called "Burmaniziation". I never knew anything about this happening.

What i want to know is why is this happening. Why does the goverment feel the need to just go around killing and raping people, and getting women pregant and that, and the soider that has gotten her pregant is not even going to be there for that baby. Why is this happening. Is the cause for all this just to get control of the country. Are they that out of control to want to do something like this, Im honestly confused about the whole situation and i want to know alot more about this, and i wonder why no where in the united states our poeple our goverment is not talking about this and brodcasting this to us. I believe if this Mad CNN everybody would contribute to this Project and try to stop this.

Then there are people in our country that know about this but dont care because if its not happening here then why worry about it. There saying to themselves well i dont know those people why care about someone you dont if they exist, or why worry about someone thats not in your family. Americans really neede to get the ignorance out of there head and see that theses are living workinf humans like themselves and help save there life.

For tomorrows Bone Project i actually hope to make more then one bone. I want to Repensent a whole family and make about four, because whole familys have died during theses tragc events. I want to make mothers, fathers, brothers, and sister bones. This is very tragic and i felt for theses incident people. Its imporant taking part in profects like this because theses our actuall people lives being lose to stupidity Theses are the kinds of projects that the world needs to take part in.

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