Monday, August 15, 2011

In my book take the cannoli Sarah and her sister go drive to the Trail of Tears in Georgia. They see how the Native Americans and the Cherokees were taken out there territory in Tennessee and Kentucky and basically beating and taken in to slaves over like five or six days. The European’s took them raped the women and beat them; the children were beat and also the men. As on page 138 one hundred and sixty years ago, thousands of Cherokees came through the site. In the summer of 1838 they were forced onto boats and faced heat exhaustion and then later a drought that stranded them without water to drink. In the fall they headed west on foot eventually trudging barefoot though blizzards. Either way the perished of starvation, dysentery, diarrhea and fatigue. A quarter of the tribe was dead.

My Tragic event tha5t happen was a couple years ago when I was younger and didn’t know any better I went to a barber shop that I never been to before and had them cut my hair. The barber cut my hair and messed up my lining. He went like half way up my head and made me look like a whole other person it was very tragic. So I had to go to school and people would just talk about me. Asking me questions like did I cut my own hair. I was embarrassing. : (

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