Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Response Day 10

Response to Kevin- One little change in pace in my book, They Poured Fire on Us From the Sky is when Joseph convinces Alepho to break away from their group because the older people watching them are taking kids their age and recruiting them as soldiers. Joseph decides he doesn’t want that so he tells Alepho to leave with him and head to Torit, were Alepho’s oldest brother Yier is at. I felt this kind of takes the story off into a new direction because a bunch of younger kids decide to rebel and run away from the elders because they don’t like what they’re trying to do. This means that all these kids will have to survive without the help of grown-ups and make it to Torit on their own. I just had a little adventure this past weekend. When I went back to my house on Thursday, all of my friends had work off and they met up with me. We were just sitting around doing nothing and one my friends suggest we go drive to some road called High Road for no reason. I didn’t really care because there was nothing else to do. She wanted to go here I guess because the road is really creepy and gets narrower as you drive further. We ended going on an hour mission to find it and then we ended up getting just a little lost and we ended up getting back to my house 4 hours later. Not the most exciting adventure, but it was fun.

Response to Vince- In the book They Poured Fire on Us From the Sky, I could kind of compare the younger Benson and Alepho to me and my older brother, except the age is switched. My older brother would always mess with me and pick on me when we were younger. I would never do anything I would just shrug it off and not really let it bother me. We were always close, regardless of all the fighting. As we got older we kind of just stopped bugging each other and we grew up. To Alepho, Benjamin and Benson, this whole story changed who they are; they became independent at a younger age than anyone I know. It does suck that your childhood consist of constantly running from people that want you dead, but they wouldn’t be who they are today if it didn’t happen. I’m sure they wish this didn’t happen, but there were probably some good moments along the way. As for me, I never have a significant moment that completely changed who I was. I feel that I slowly became who I am because of the little decisions I made throughout my life. The people I met, the different kinds of music I discovered through my life were probably some of the things that changed me the most. I feel I’m still the same person I always was, but my mind just matured steadily through time.

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