Monday, August 15, 2011

Response to Sam !

In my book take the cannoli Sarah has changed a lot. Sarah has grown up from being the quiet little girl that never said anything and became more talkative. Sarah use to be quiet, insecure about herself, and always in her room playing her instruments, and listing to her music. She never did anything with her family unless she was forced. When her would go out and shoot guns Sarah was not really interested but then later on in the story she got interested in the guns and stated shooting them. Sarah was smarter than her sister Amy by the way. Sarah was able to read before her and was better than her in school. As like Amy was better than Sarah. When Sarah grew up she became more independent and was able to be on her own. She went over sea’s stayed in hotel, basically stalked her favorite artist. She had got herself a boyfriend and had two jobs and also became closer to her family.

My changes in the bridge program became mature. I learned how to type paper a little better than before, because in high school we rarely typed any papers. High school still have some effects on me with a lot of the work I do in the bridge program but the program has enriched my speech and grammar when it comes to typing. Also with Math, I’m learning more then I have ever learned in high school because after my sophomore year junior and senior year was no math. No the school couldn’t find teachers so the program is also helping me with math.

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