Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Blog Response Danielle

Wow, I just finished some articles on the website and I just can’t believe what I just read. The stories of some people are so strong and saddening. I don’t understand how this information isn’t sent out to the public of the U.S. I bet if they reported what was going on in Iraq, Afghanistan, Burma, and Sudan, I bet that a mass amount of citizens would be making noise encouraging out government to get involve and stop the genocide. I think we are so blind to information like this because of how and where we live. We can’t comprehend how someone is struggling to survive day by day. Why? Is it because we live without worries because we know nothing extreme is happening in our country?
I’m still blown on how a simple website can open your eyes so much and then make you ask so many questions like, why wasn’t this shit on the news? Or how and when did I miss this? I find it really disturbing that the media just chooses to ignore what is happening around the world and only focuses on stupid news on celebrities and what break ups they are going through. When I take a step back and re-read what I read on the million bones website, I can’t figure out why genocide is even here in the world. Why is it that people are still being slaughtered for being different or believing in different things? As a human race, are we really still that primal? I still can’t figure out how you can do that to a human being, a living thing, killing them as if they didn’t have feelings or emotions. I wish I had the answers but honestly, I only have questions.
Tomorrow when we are creating our bones, I’m going to dedicate a bone to one of the father’s son that passed away. The father’s name is Adef, He and his wife and five children had to flee from his village because they were being attacked. They traveled far into the dessert.One of his sons died on his mother’s as she was carrying him while traveling in the dessert. Adef had to leave his little boy behind and continue forward so that his family could survive. The bone is going to represent Adef’s son, showing that genocide has no boundaries. It will take your youngest loved one away from you no matter what age.

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