Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Letter To Myself: Mario

Hey Mario!
I just wanted to congratulate you to basically passing the bridge program! It’s been a rough 4 weeks, but man oh man you did it! You know you remember like 5 weeks ago you were thinking that the program was going to be easy and you were just going to breeze right through it. I remember when you found out that you were told that if you fail the bridge program that you weren’t going to get your money back for the housing that you paid for. Instead of viewing that as a negative you viewed it as a challenge. You handled it like you would at a competition, you didn’t let it phase you nor discourage you. Instead, it made you confident and ready for the bridge program.
To be honest the bridge program helped you become a better person and it also prepared you for the upcoming school year. You’re now more responsible, organized, and you prioritize your shit right. Mario, you better do well during the school year. Treat the whole school year the same as you did with the bridge program. Something that I want to see you get out of the school year is that you gain more knowledge and become an even better person. Push yourself to become the best of the best in your classes. There should be no reason for you to slack or fall off like you did when you were in high school. You have to remember that you’re here for yourself and your family that is supporting you and giving everything they have just to put you through college. I know that if you keep remembering about what your parents are sacrificing just to put me through college then there will be nothing in your way to slow you down.
Something that I’m really afraid that is going to happen to you during the school year is that you might get caught up with dancing and going out with friends to fun events. At the same time though, I truly am excited for those things as well. The only reason that I’m afraid about those things is because I don’t want to lose track why I’m here in Chicago in the first place. I’m here to study and become the best of the best! Of course I’m looking forward in traveling with my friends because I know that I’m in a new area that I have never been in my entire life before and I definitely want to explore, rather than stay in one area…I hate that! I just need to not lose track of why I’m even here to begin with.
My first goal out of 5 is to finish the year off with all A’s. I know it’s possible; it’s just going to take a shitload of work. I’m willing to do the work and try my best, but sometimes your best isn’t enough for the grade you want. My second goal has nothing to do with school, but it’s to become the best bboy in the Midwest. 3rd goal: Meet new people and get involve with other film majors. 4th, film a movie of my own with my own equipment. 5th goal: to be able to come back home successful on my first year of college.


  1. Good luck Mario! I know that you will deffinately become one of the best bboys around. You have passion that you don't see in everyone. I wish you the best this year and in the future!

  2. I really like how you compared the bridge program to a dance competition! thats pretty tight! goodluck!


  3. Our goals are some what similar in a way and hell, we both view this thing as a giant challenge! Good luck man, and remember that we can still fail the last 2 days we are here (since today is practically over). I better see you around campus in the fall, or else there will be hell to pay!

  4. Im glad you found that the bridge program helped you and I hope you succeed Mario...Nikkea!

  5. Good Luck Mario.. I hope you become the Next Big BeeBoy out there. I hope you become better then the JabAWaeeks ( How ever you spell there Name ) - Eric

  6. Jabawakis are killer! Mario's better though haha
