Monday, August 15, 2011

Bianca Day 10

sams response
In my book They Poured fire on Us from the Sky, Benson and Alpheo has changed a lot. During the course of their journey, they have became stronger. They both never gave up and still didn’t quit. Benson has become as stronger person because he was a very soft person. He use to worry and cry a lot. Because of his parents, and how they all split up from their town Juol. Alpheo became a way stronger person. He was already strong but now, that he’s getting older he became more of a mature little boy. He knows what to do to survive and he cares about other people. And he encourages them to get moving when you are depressed or you feel like you’re getting ready to die.
Well when I first started bridge I was really worried. I thought it was going to be hard. But now that I’ve been here for 2 weeks it’s not that hard at all. I was worried for nothing. All you have to do is pay attention, do your work, and talk a lot. I think I would compare myself to Benson. Because of the way he was before he changed. Which was worried, scared and nervous.

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