Monday, August 15, 2011

day 9 Bianca response

In my life, I have been somewhat lucky. So far, nothing tragic has happened to me personally. But recently, right after I left for Chicago, my neighbor was on his roof fixing his satalite dish and he was electricuted by a puddle of water. It seems like tragedies only happen to me when I am gone. I think one of the main tragedies that happen to Sarah Vowell in her book, "Take the Cannoli", is her relationship with her father. It took her years to lose her bitterness that she had for her father. It is tragic that they took so long to get along with each other. I suppose the only "tragic" thing that has happened to me was when I was sent away to a boarding school in Connecticut when I was a sophomore in high school. That was very hard on my family and I. I really hope that this post doesn't jinx my good luck.

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