Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Danielle Genocide Response

Why is genocide still happening in the world today? Didn't we say "never again" when the holocaust happened? Shouldn't we help out instead of being participants in a pointless war? There is so much suffering in the world today and we seem to be doing nothing about it. The leaders and residents of our great country appear to be too busy with other things than bother worrying about the killing of innocent men, women and children in other places across the globe. We literally live on a little dot that we call earth. It's in the middle of nowhere in a galaxy that seems to be never ending. So what the fuck is going on? Yesterday, as I was doing my home work in my (air conditioned) dorm room, I found myself complaining because I was hungry and bored. While I was complaining about these petty things, thousands of innocent people were being murdered for no reason other than greed and hate. Seeing the faces of the survivors of this terrible situation really made this seem real. To be honest, when I watched the TED Talk, I thought to myself "who the hell is this bleeding heart, idealistic hippy?" but seeing this website really turned my cynical attitude on its head. I genuinely want to help now. How could I not? When making these bones, we shouldn't be dreading it and thinking of it as another bullshit project, we should be putting our blood sweat and tears into them. After seeing this website, all of these genocides became personal. It hit my heart the way nothing has ever before. One of the stories that moved me the most was Adam's story. He is currently living in a camp in Chad, running from death. During all of this, he has been raising funds for a library so the younger generation can be educated about the current situation. It is so moving to know that his fear of being captured and inevitably killed is being over powered by his want for his children to know what is going on. This display of selflessness is so amazing to me. But in the end, it just makes me feel pathetic. Just last week, I stubbed my tow and complained all day because my foot hurt.

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