Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 8 Julia Response

In "Take the Cannoli", Sarah Vowell seems to be a very ambitious woman who is also extremely intelligent and curious. In some of her essays, it appears that her biggest fear is turning out like her Father. Boring, conservative and angry. I have a similar fear. I've always told my friends and family to kill me if I turn into a bland person who enjoys mundane nothingness on a daily basis. Vowell also explains that her biggest fear in high school wasn't being unpopular or being disliked. It was nuclear winter. She was so fearful of "not growing up", that she even went on a cable access tv show when she was high school to talk about it. I am also scared of death. Not from nuclear winter or any kind of anything like that, but I am so very scared of getting a rare, fatal disease, getting stuck in an elevator or getting into a plane crash. My father is a huge hypochondriac and he has always been very protective of me. He takes me to the doctor once every couple of months to get checkup. i resent him for this, because i believe he has turned me into a hypochondriac as well. I hope I get over it. Every week, I think i have a new disease. It's embarrassing. But at least i'm playing it safe! ;)

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