Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Goodbye Bridge!

To be honest I'm very happy that this is my final week and that everything is coming to a close, but at the same time I don't want it to end. I feel like there are still things that I could learn and I want to learn more.

Danielle and Perrin I really want to thank you both. You two were like the best teachers I have ever had. You guys really helped me look deeper into myself along with challenging myself. I became a better writer hopefully, and if I did it was because of the both of you. You both made me have a look out on life that I didn't before when I entered the Bridge Program. So I want to say thank you and I hope I can be your student again.

The Bridge program allowed me to grow into myself. I use to be a shy person that didn't want to talk to anyone. Of course I started to talk in fear that I would be kicked out if I didn't. But it soon turned into that I enjoyed talking and expressing my opinion. I sure hope that I didn't talk too much lol. Anyways I now find it easier to talk to others and even talk to my future teachers.

In the past I would never approach a teacher for help or advice and now I find it very usefull when I do. I really enjoyed the learning experiences that I had when I was here. I felt like sometimes I was teaching myself and not someone trying to get me to become like them, which was very different along with very special to me.

At first I was really nervous to how Bridge was going to be and I thought it was going to be super hard where I couldn't keep up. But it soon turned out that I could keep up, but not only just keep up I was able to do things 100% with a twist of me into it. I was able to follow directions but also be myself which I never got to do when I was in high school. Everything was super strict in high school to the point I felt like I was in prison. And yes I believe that Bridge is strict, but at the same time they don't have unreasonable expectations. Unlike high school they expected us to be perfect in every way. And here I was able to show how hard I CAN WORK!

I really am going to miss my classmates and I hope we all stay in touch some way. I learned a lot of things about very different people. Learned something each day about someone. And I believe that all my classmates are great people with something to offer to this school and also the world. I know it sounds like I'm being Ms. Sweet but I am being honest. :)

I really hope that my college experience is just like Bridge if not better!

Goodbye Bridge

and everyone

and Danielle and Perrin

Hope to see you all around!



  1. Thats so true in high school they expected nothing out of me! But now I have to push and actually can!
    See you sometime in the year (:

    - Kevin (:

  2. Good Luck at Columbia!!!-Nikkea

  3. LOOK AT YOU! LOL We made it .. Arent you happy : ) -Eric & Goof Luck

  4. Gotta exit this train to get to the next, at least that's what I say :p. Good luck at Columbia, and see you around!

