Monday, August 15, 2011

Response to Sam

Everyone has some type of change in their lives but I would have never thought that I would have such a fast change. I went from a high schooler that had their mother help them with everything to having to do a lot of things on my own. I have to now look out for myself and take care of myself. I even now make my own dinner sometimes finding myself making dinner for my mother because I make it home way before she does. I had to jump into Bridge and figure all these things out for myself. There was no more me being shy or anything like that. I had to get out there and talk for myself and not have someone else talk for me. Just like the Lost Boys their changes happened so quickly. Benson and Alepho soon had to learn how it was to take care of themselves without their parents helping them. Above all they had to learn how to take care of each other and look out for one another. There was no more mommy getting them food they soon had to learn how to hunt or even gather food. They had to learn how to share what they had and not be selfish. What made all these changes so hard was the pace that they accured in. Its one thing going through a change, but to have to go through a fast change that you have to get use to is a total different story.

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