Monday, August 15, 2011

A Tragedy in Three Parts

Well, speaking of tragedy's, Mark Salzman in Lost in Place went through a rather hard time. When his close friend Michael died in a car accident, or more like running the car off a cliff, he was at a loss. Mark was in a constant state of despair, always trying to find answers he couldn't find. All through out this, he dropped out of school for a few years because he couldn't focus at all. Mark was not only devastated with the death of his friend, but the impact that hit him was something different completely. Mark needed an answer to a question that he couldn't answer.
Now, I would have to say the death of my Uncle was more of a wake up call for me, and also the current situation regarding my house. When my Uncle died, this was the first close family member death, (My Grandparents died before I was born, except my Grandfather who was never around so I didn't even think of him as family) it devastated my mother and by being the oldest of her sons with her (she is divorced) I felt like I needed to be strong. I swallowed my sadness but for a long time the house was in a constant state of depression, the cloud didn't lift for almost 6 months. With my home situation, I live in a rented house that is total and complete shit to be honest. Unlike rented property, this is more like living in someones house that they still use when they are in the country, but the thing is they constantly attack us on so many things but have refused to fix things in the house blaming it on us when it happened when we all came in. They refuse to buy CO2 detectors and smoke detectors, which is a health hazard, the ejector pit smells like shit and makes the whole basement smell like someone just crapped on the floor. Apparently my landlord doesn't smell it, and neither does the "overseer" of the house. I have been pushing my mom into action, since I can't do it myself, and have controlled myself many times from going over to the overseers house and breaking every window while setting his garden on fire (I don't take kindly to being constantly attacked on unjust means, especially if it causes my family distress). I'd say, my girlfriend, my cousins wedding on Saturday, and even the bridge program have been blessings on me, keeping my mind off of the many things that are happening and keeping me focused on what's important then a bunch of retired morons who have nothing better to do than to make other peoples lives a living hell.

With that I say, Good Bye Bianca! It sucks that you're leaving, but if it pays off for you in the long run then I wish you luck!

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