Monday, August 15, 2011

day 9 bianca

In my book Lost in Place, it doesn’t have a tragedy as bad as your book does Bianca. Although, there is something that happened in my book that would kind of be like a tragedy. Mark and his good friend Michael both love to train and practice Kung-Fu. They both have this crazy ass sensei whose name is “Master O’Keefe”. This guy is completely nuts! He goes to work high, drunk, mad, depressed. No matter what, he always has negative vibes around him. Michael views him as god. He looks up to the guy like no other because of the way he presents himself to everyone. Mark on the other hand, he used to see him the way Michael did until he figured out that O’Keefe brings his own problems to himself. One day, Mark and Michael go to class like they usually do and their master asks who is ready to have a sparring match with him. Michael volunteered. He soon paid the price and got the living shit kicked out of him…Literally. Since then Mark decided that, that was enough and he didn’t or couldn’t deal with the kind of shit his master was putting them through.
Something tragic that I learned through the news and also by doing a little bit of research was that, my parents’ home country ( Bolivia ) is going through some hard times right now because of the new president. This guy is doing nothing good for the country. People are barely able to have enough for food and the crime in Bolivia is rising. The president is making crazy decisions like if you have over a certain amount of property then you must have a homeless person move into your home. So all that hard work that any family’s put in for their land. Has to go to waste and must share it someone who has done nothing with their lives.
Bianca I just wanted to say that I give you so much respect for making that decision on your own and pulling yourself out of the bridge program. I wish you the best and hope that everything works out in your new school. I hope to meet you in the near future and wish to see that everything goes well for you! Good bye and take care! You made a great choice!

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