Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Reading Response: Day 7 | Krystal

I believe that if I’m able to complete the bridge program successfully and attend Columbia College next month. I know for a fact that I’m going to change into a better person. Right now, I’m still transitioning into the whole dependent thing. It’s really hard from being at home and doing nothing for a year. I was pretty much living somewhere for free, doing nothing with my life.

By next summer I’ll be completely independent and own my own. I’m sure that I’m going to understand what being an adult is because of college. I’ll be more responsible and very punctual about things. I won’t be reckless on the simple things in life like I am today. I can’t wait to go home and surprise my parents on how responsible and independent I have become because of college.

Krystal! I’m really proud of you for making the decision of going to community college first rather than coming straight to Columbia. I know it takes a lot for someone to take a step back and ask themselves if they are ready or not. Or to actually understand that going to Columbia for only gen eds is a waste of money. You made a wise choice that most of us would not make unless we were told to. I really admire you for doing that and I thank you for reminding me that I too should reflect on things that I’m doing and see if I’m in the right or wrong. I wish you the best Krystal! I know I haven’t got to know the real you but I can sense that you are a kind person that would help out someone whenever they needed a hand, I bet you wouldn’t even need to know the person. Anyways, once again Krystal, I wish you the best and I’ll be sure to see you next year at Columbia! Take care!

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