Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day #7 response(Eric)-Nikkea

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Considering I've already been to college, before I started my freshman year there wasnt anything I was afraid of. I was up for the challenge because I knew there wasnt anything I couldnt acheive. I knew want I wanted out of college. I knew I wanted to spend the next four years of my life dedicated to my future. Before I started college I was excited and driven. I looked forward to taking on the responsibility of becoming an adult. The noon classes, the late night studying, the 7 page papers due by the end of the week, the college parties, the college activites. I had the chance to become the "American College Student". I was thrilled. To this day I still get excited about attending college.
Im looking forward to majoring in my field. Getting the chance to focus on something I enjoy and look more as a hobby than a job. I look forward to making my dreams coming true. Being able to say I acheived a dream and an enjoyment and still have the desire to continue.
I believe college life isnt hard. Its more about your ability to handle a higher source of education. I myself love and still have the thrill of college. I have a determination to be ahead of myself.

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