Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 2: Mario

My first impression of the book that I chose was confusion, i understood that young children always want to be something cool when they are young. Like a fireman, police officer, but not this kid. When he watched his first kung Fu movie he decided that he wanted to become a Zen Monk. Of all the things you would want to become when you become an adult, he chose to become a Zen Monk.
As I read more and more I started to like the character of the book. He was just a goofy kid that wanted to be something that he knew absolutely nothing about. In his world, he believed that if he reached Nirvana then he would become popular and have girls around both his arms. In the book, he wrote, “I hoped perfect enlightenment would make me more popular-specifically, more datable”

In some ways, I can definitely relate to the character. On my sophomore year of high school, I fell in love with breakdancing, and it felt a lot better when I realized not a lot of people breakdance. Ever since the beginning I wanted to become the best and do something that random people would give me acknowledgement. My mindset was the same as the authors when he was a kid in high school. I believed that if I get really good and do things that not everyone can do then the females will find me attractive.

If mark was at my dinner table then I wouldn’t know what to do because he would be wearing his olive-purple PJ’s and his powdered painted wig with his long hair sticking out, I honestly don’t know how I would react to him being at my dinner table. I think I would tell him to go change into normal clothes. I wouldn’t treat him different though, I would probably ask him why he finds being a Zen Monk is so appealing to him.

The book I chose was “Lost In Place”. The reason I chose this book because it stood out to me more than any other book. I was intrigued that the fact a young boy wanted to become a Zen Monk and how he actually still follows through while he was in high school.

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