Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 2: Maya

My first impression about the book Take the Cannoli was that it this book is going to be funny, but only because I find sarcasm hilarious. When I started reading the book it was way better than I thought because she talks about her relationship with her dad, and my relationship with my dad isn’t the typical father daughter relationship. My dad and I rarely talk. I do like the main character in the book mainly because she had that same relationship with her dad that I still have with my dad so I can relate to how she felt. Just like her sister my sister and my dad are really close. They do everything together. They watch cartoons together, go to the movies together and play sports together. So it can get a little frustrating, but that’s just how it is.
I disliked her father because he reminds me of a grumpy old man and grumpy old men scare me. Her father also reminds me of my grandfather. My grandpa also has a collection of guns stored in the basement and a few in the living room, but that’s because he’s a police officer. If Sarah’s father came to dinner with me and my family I bet that he dad and my dad will become best friends. The reason I chose the book Take the Cannoli is because I’m always curious to see how other people grew up and how they life was before they became who they are now.
This book is very different from the books I read. I’m really big on mystery books. Mystery books are more appealing to me than any other books that are out there. What drew me to the book was the cover of the book. I thought that the book was about a mystery killer on the prowl or about the mafia. I was wrong.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like a somewhat good book a little interesting.i would maybe someday like to read it based off what your saying because it sounds kind of good..seems to me like you like it...why do you dislike her father just because he is old or something because of how he looks i mean does he do anything wrong in the book to really not make you like him.....
