Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Although we are reading the same book, Lost in Place, I have a different scenario that pops up after Marks Kung Fu days are done. It was when he picked up the cello again and began playing improvise Indian music, and then moved onto Jazz. Like Kung Fu, Mark wants to drop out of school to be a musician, but what his father says back to him makes me chuckle a little bit. "Dad, I'm sixteen now and pretty serious about music and you know, I've been sort of playing the cellow since I was seven, so it's not like this is all that sudden or impulsive-in fact, in a way you could say my whole life led to this. So I've been thinking that maybe I should do music full-time now. What do you think about my dropping out of school just for a few years to givr it a try? I could always go back and finish if it didn't work out. (pg. 147-148)" His father comes back with, "I have only seventeen years to go before I can retire. I'd love to survive that long, even just to get up the first Monday morning and realize, I can go back to sleep! Don't give me a heart attack, OK? Just let me live until then, what do you say? (pg. 148)" Like Kung Fu, Mark becomes completely dedicated to what he wants to achieve next. He would gladly give up his education in order to play jazz cello for a living, and be content with it. However he has to give up after his dad says no in a pretty comical way.

I sacrificed my own well being in order to help a girl I liked, yeah sounds stupid from some others point of view but that's just how I am. What I mean by well being is, barely got any sleep, didn't eat much, was worried about her and tried to help her whenever she asked for it. I even sacrificed 2 years going after her, all of that time wasted just to be told continuously "No." I'll never get that time back, but I did learn something from it. If you're being used, don't be in denial just because you harbor personal feelings, from there I nearly shut myself out from many people.

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