Monday, August 8, 2011

Response to Mario

In my book the enemies are the Muslims they want to take over there land and make them worship there god but the Dinka would not do it so it created this big war. Because of this big war people are being torn away from family and never seeing them again. Right now in the book nobody can’t trust anybody because people are turning on them. I believe everybody had a bully in their life I remember mine she was my cousin. She use to pick on me call me fat of course and just be mean and I would cry cause I was a big baby back then and she would even turn some of my friends on me she would say “if you be her friend then u a lame”. I got fed up with it and I wanted to fight her and she was like les fight then and we started fighting and I had to prove to her that I’m not no bitch and she needed to stop messing with me so at the end of the fight she was trying to get me jumped on but I wasn’t scared cause I was heated then I was ready for whatever. The next day I was sent to stay with a friend of mine for a couple of days and then so when I got back home she was sitting there and we talk about it saying that she was sorry and I told her ass next time she try to come at me the wrong way I’m going to really hurt her but now me and her is closer than ever .

1 comment:

  1. lol yea u got to set people stright tell them not to fuck with you
