Monday, August 8, 2011

Day #5 response-Nikkea

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With Sarah in Take the Cannoli, she doesnt particularly have enemies, nor does she have many friends. the good thing about Sarah is that she doesnt thrive on having the biggest number of friends or being popular. to me I think Sarah knows shes different and would rather have friends that share her same interests over doing what other teens her age are.
Sarah already doesnt have a close relationship with her family. Her twin sister Amy is the complete opposite, as explained on page 177, Sarah did the indoor activites while Amy did the outdoor ones. Amy learned how to ride a bike before Sarah, but Sarah learned to read before Amy. Sarah realizes there are advantages with being a twin one always has something the other doesnt. With twins they each share the same role, responsibilty.
in my own experience I really didnt share common things with my family. I did however find people with my same interests. Like Sarah and Amy they eventually found themselves sharing more than their opposites. I found my interests with my family as i became older and more aware of my familys' interest. As time progresses I find myself having more things in common with my family members.

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