Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Response to Krystal

Being successful is an overall go but an obvious one. Saying that I would also hope that I have made a clear decision about what I want my major and minor to be. Instead of being confused about where I want to take my creative mind I want to KNOW where I want to take my ideas and make it into art. I also want to be able to touch peoples lives with the work that I do. I always want there to be a message that everyone can relate to and not look at it and be confused. I want to be able to take pride in the work that I do and create. I do not want to end my four years at Columbia without going somewhere with my work of art. I want to be able to graduate and go into the world and share what I have to offer with those around me. I want people to understand the person I am and the person that I want to become. That person is the person that is true to themself and tries even when the situation looks impossible.

When I get to the summer I want to actually continue my studies. I don't want to get rusty in what I do or know how to do. I want to be constantly learning something new. I don't want to have so much free time that I lose the reason I am here at Columbia in the first place. I want to stay focus all the way till I get to the next year so that when I start my next year I'll be ready for what is being thrown at me. I never want to be puzzled by a situation without knowing what to do next in order to control that situation. I want to be able to share my gift with the world!

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