Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 7 Eric Response:

I am most fearful about feeling out of place in such a large city. I am from a medium sized town in Northern California, where the weather is mild and the people are different. The weather here is very extreme, and I am scared shitless of this coming winter. I am used to mild winters. Usually a sweatshirt and maybe a beanie are the only articles of clothing that are necessary during a Sacramento winter. I am also nervous about the workload. I know that I am an intelligent and competent person, but college is a whole different ball game. I hope to make a good, lasting impression on my professors, and be a successful student. I am looking forward to a lot of things in college. It is a weird feeling being so far away from home in such a big city, but I hope to make the best of it. I hope to make a lot of new friends and play a lot of music and make good film projects.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, oh man, you're gonna hate the winter. Oh, and you'll probably have a love/hate relationship with snow! Other than that, welcome to the Midwest, hope you enjoy it!
