Tuesday, August 9, 2011

In my book they poured fire on us from the sky Alepho and Benson look up to their father he love everything he did and he thought he was really funny. Alepho really wanted to be like hid dad he wanted to go hunting and kill animals but he was too young so he couldn’t do it. Their father was the only one to fight a lion when the lion came to attack them and seeing that there father was the only one they respected him more. The person I really Admire is my mother cause she been threw a lot and she overcame all her problem. My mom was a single mom taking care of me and my sister. I remember when we was struggling and didn’t have food she would use the last of the money and but me and my sister food and she wouldn’t eat. My mom got us anything we wanted or she would do her best. My mother was in an abusive relationship well all I can say when they was done fighting he came back up he came up with a black eye. The reason why I admire my mom because she is strong and she is all ways there and she is a good mom I know when I have kids I want to be just like her because without her in my life I don’t know where I would be.

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