Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day #6 response-Nikkea

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In Take the Cannoli, Sarah doesnt try to become someone shes not. she doesnt do anything special to try to be the coolest person or the polular kid in school. She's all about being herself.
She loves playing her instruments and reading literature. With having a twin sister, she doesnt even have things in common with her nor the rest of her family. During family activities she's usually the one sitting out. Also she doesnt follow everyone elses beliefs, as a child she struggled with religion and as she became older she realized that she didnt necessarily needed to have a religion in order to become like every "Modern American."
Honestly I can say I had to risk losing something I felt was important. Realizing as I became older the decision I made was the best and made me into the person I am today. Finding myself identity was difficult, which meant lying to myself or lose things that I thought were important, friends. I strugglied with accepting myself, believing that I could be this different from others affected not only me but others around me. Finally I figured it was either love and be myself or continue to lie.
Continue to be something I wasnt couldnt be an option, with that I chose to forfeit many friends because they couldnt accept someone something different about me. Learning from that I became stronger as a individual and decided to become open minded. I learned to accept people for the little things and gain knowledge for the things I didnt know about and understand. That day I took a stand for myself, for my individuality!

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