Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Bianca Armstrong Day 6

In my book They poured Fire from the Sky, one of the main character named Alpheo is dedicated to find his mom and dad. Alpheo has been going through a lot of stuff with his brothers and his friends. Their all trying to survive in this cruel world.  Alpheo misses his parents everday and wishes he was with them. When the war started to get worse in the town of Juol, Alpheo was split up from his parents. And he never saw them again since then. His brothers also say that they miss their mom and dad too. So gradually over time Alpheo and his brothers are trying to find their family members that they have lost. They pray every day that they somehow find their parents. Benson said that before he escaped from Juol. He found out that his father had died. But he didn’t tell the other boys that yet. Well there was this one time when I was looking in the sales papers and I wanted an ipod really badly. So my mom said that if I want I would have to spend my money I saved. But I didn’t want to spend it so I just sold my playstation 2 to get the ipod. I really didn’t want to sale it I always played my playstation but, I had to if I was going to get the ipod. After I had got the ipod I was extremely happy!

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