Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Ciao Krystal, but we'll see each other again maybe next year!

You know, I haven't really put much thought into the future. My own real goal right now is to pass the bridge program and get into this school. I want the full college experience, I could have taken a way out of this all but I'm a guy that loves a great challenge. I believe I am performing well, and actually exceeding that of which I normally would do, which is nothing at all. I think this school will change me and how I feel about school work in general, hell since I've picked everything else I better enjoy it, or else I need a reality check on what my true goals in life should be, or what my calling is. Even though I am not one to think about the future so far ahead, I think my work ethic will have changed a lot, I also would love to believe I will still be in the relationship I am in. It takes a lot of effort to keep a serious relationship going when she is still in high school! That is how I see my life, and even though I have fail safes set up if all goes wrong, I plan to pass and succeed where I was told I wouldn't be able to. The main goal I want to see myself doing is begin writting my first novel, and feel like I am good enough to begin rather than continuous organization, planning, character devolping, improving plot lines, and looking for my own plot holes on my own. People close to me, such as my mother and my girlfriend, would love to be able to read what I have created, deconstructed, and reconstructed over and over again since i was ten years old finally be brought to life through words and the inner workings of the mind.

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