Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Response Krystal

What we be different about my life next summer. Next summer i will be hopefully have a job in the field that im studying or i'll be a intern at a major company getting me ready for the field i want to do. I know for sure ill be in a good school hopefully its Columbia and be in a good position to do what i want in life. Since ill be 19 by then i hope everything will go well for me. I would like to be at a film industry or be at a music company learning the ropes or actually having a job there and also learning the ropes all at the same time.

In 4 years I my life will be golden. If I stay in the film industry my life would be great because I kbnow ill be like a director or something major but hopefully ill be a producer or maybe a co producer in some film. If I don’t then ill hopefully be in the music field either recording a song or maybe even help producing a song. I hopelly would have met Chris Brown by then working with him Nicki Minaj , Wiz khalifa or maybe even Rihanna. Since they all are my favorite type of artist I would want to work with them first I hope the house that I will have will be big or living in a nice condo apartment with aklot of furniture and just making the best out my life !!

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