Wednesday, August 3, 2011

response to Kevin's Question

In Take the Cannoli, Sarah Vowell feelsw like the outsider of her family. Her father, Pat Vowell, is a owner of a gun store and proud gun collecter. Sarah and her family have very diffeerent views. the Vowells' household is partitioned off into territories, with Sarahs domain was a cramped, cold space known as the music room. Sarah started bickering with her father at the age of fourteen, after the 1984 democratic national convention.
 she was excited when Walter Mondlae chose Geraldine Ferraro as his running mate . Sarah posted and newspaper with her picture on the refrigerator door. somehow, the picture ended up in the trash across the room. clearly a sign that someone in her midiate family thought otherwise. Sarah has a twin sister Amy, that she barely relates to. at the age of six, Sarah and Amy were taught to shoot a gun by their father. in which Amy loved, but Sarah felt small and never wanted to touch another one again. Amy shared their father's enthusiasm for firearms and the quickdraw cowboy mythology surrounding them.
eventually Sarah find a conncetion with her father. she realizes their both not only hard of hearing, but smart-alecky loneers with goofy projects and weird equipment.
I figure I fit in my family because I'm the outgoing and out spoken individual. Im adventurous and live for today. Of course i take things serious but I enjoy every moment to the fullest. Im always making others laugh no matter what. In other words im the life of the party.

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