Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Reponse #3

In my book "They Poured Fire on Us From the Sky" relates to this book because Benson Deng had a passion to live better and get away from the negative area where he live. Because as he was growing up he didnt have nice things like all the other kids. Even his brothers lived better it semed to him. He said, "As a little boy i didnt mind being naked. but by the time I was four, I wasn't happy seeing other children wearing their beautiful clothes. when my father came home weithj clothes for others and not for me, I wouldn't talk to him." (pg. 5, Benson). What this quote means to me is that everyone else was worried about living nice at the moment instead of working harder to live a better life in. Benson is like the only one right now that seems to want a better life just like Sarah. so i other words my character doesn't really relate to his family because he's about working hard to live a better life but his family has a mind sat if if they will never see better.

I dont nessecarily feel like i fit in with my family because I like to do a lot of things that my family have never done and I like to challenge myself alot most of the time when I do things. My family likes to do the same but im more eager for things than most of my family is. Things that im interested in is totally different from my family because im mostly into

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