Monday, August 8, 2011

Reading Response Vince Day#5

I have the same book! Anyways, a good example of Mark being creative was when mark wasn’t able to shave his head in order to look like a monk he bought a bald wig from the back of a book and; he also improvised with his training outfit, he ended up dyeing his pjs into an olive purple color.

Mark was really imaginative when he was young kid, I think the best example of his creative and imaginative mind was when he made a spaceship out of a cardboard box and colored buttons inside of it. Mark would just crawl inside of it and pretend that he was blasting off into space. He is always in his own world, just doing whatever he felt like, he let his imagination take over him and pretty much let it run his life. That’s at least what I feel like.

I think whenever I am creative its always having to do something with dancing. In breaking, originality and creativity go hand in hand. You need both to go far and earn respect from other dancers. I always do whatever I can to stay original and create signature moves that only I would be able to do. To be original, I feel like you have to be creative. A great example of me being creative with my dance is that whenever I try to make a new move I always start thinking about when I was a kid or I start thinking of how animals move around, sometimes I watch totally different dance styles and draw creativity from that.

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