Monday, August 8, 2011

Nicole's responce day 5- Vince and Mario

Responce to Vince:

To be imaginative and creative is a very good trait to have, and if you have those traits you can go very far in life. In the book Lost In Place, the main character Mark has a very big imagination. Ever since he was a little boy he would imagine himself being someone out of the normal. For example, he pretended that he worked with the NASA. Also, his mind is consumed with the thought of him kicking people’s asses as the number one kung Fu fighter. Mark’s kung fu master on the other hand is the opposite of imaginative and creative. He says on page 60 “It’s fine to enjoy as a fantasy, but it’s silly to get it mixed up with real life. I don’t care how long you study karate.
I like to think of myself as a very creative person. I have a big imagination and dream big. Of course there are people who think that I am getting my hopes up for no reason but I just learn to look past it and keep dreaming. Like Mark, I think outside of the box by taking something normal and turning it to something completely different. For a small girl like me to live in a huge city like Chicago gives me the chance of a life time to share my creative Ideas with people and dream big. To be imaginative and creative is a trait that can make you stand out from everyone else.

Responce to Mario:
Usually the reason why people bully each other is because they are insecure about themselves. They feel the need to hurt others to life themselves up. In my book, Lost In Place there is a bully names Michael. He is described as one of the meanest kids that everyone including Mark, wanted to be friends with just to get on his good side. Later on in the book, Mark manages to become friends with Michael. Mark inspires him to start fighting and eventually they would practice together and use each other to become better fighters. Mark was the quicker one with nicer formations while Michael was the stronger one. It says on page 88 “We started pracsting the instant we woke up, resume practice after school, and keep at it until we couldn’t keep our eyes open any longer at night.” Now that’s dedication. Is funny how people who have the same interests and morals can bring people together in a matter if days.
I on the other hand have never really been bullied. But I have had people tell me hurtful words to try to discourage me. I just let it go in one ear and out the other. I learned that if I give them the satisfaction of seeing me sad then I would be defeated. In life there are always going to be people who you don’t necciarily agree with. You just have to present yourself in the right way.

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