Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Nicole Responce Day 6

Responce to Nikkea:

As a young girl, it is always easy to look up to someone and learn from them. Like most girls I admire my mother. I know this is probably the typical answer that most people are going to say but I truly mean it. Despite all of the hard times that my mom has encountered she still manages to keep her head up and get through those hard times without complaints. The biggest compliment someone can give me is” You look and act just like your mom.” I believe my mom is the most beautiful person inside and out. She is what motivates me to stay focused and keep my eyes on the prize. All I want to do is make her proud.
In the book Lost In Place Mark also has the similar goals and aspirations. Mark looks up to Michael. He explains Michael to be strong, smart, and to stand up for what he believes in. They begin to work together because they both have the same goals to become the best fighter; also they want to impress their master Sensei who they both admire. Sensei puts all of his students through hell, but both Mark and Michael appreciate him.
I’m sure you have that one person that you admire for something they have done that impacted your life. Then you just have to sit back and be thankful for the people in your life.

Responce to mine:

If you want to achieve a goal sometime you are going to have to make hard decisions and sacrifice things. In my life, I have had to sacrifice money for my education. To come here to Columbia I decided to take this month off as well as the fall semester so i can focus on getting my school work done. My first priority is education. This is taking some getting used to because ever since I was 13, I have been working and making money. But now that I am dependent on my family is a really hard adjustment but a sacrifice that had to be made. I know that there are many people out there that have or want to make sacrifices so they can achieve what they are trying to accomplish. Mark from Lost In Place falls in that category.
Once Mark really dedicated himself to fighting he tells his mother that he wants to give up cello lessons as well as school. He explains to his parents that school is just a waste of time. Mark explains that during the time he is in school, he could be practicing his kung fu moves. Of course, his parents disagree and give him a small lecture on how he needs school and good education to achieve.
Sometimes you have to sacrifice something or someone you love in order to achieve, it’s just a matter of making the right decision and being smart about your choices.

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