Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My First Impression of " They Poured Fire on Us From the Sky".

My First impression of the narrator was she was a girl living a simple life and was trying to get a feel of life at a young age. She is basically growing up without a father because he has five wives and he always working. So he's barely at home with her. I feel as if he just living life just for the comfort of his life and for the comfort of all the other five life's he's affected. According to Benson (pg.4), "when he was home, he slept in our hut or in the huts of his other wives". I definitely feel this quote proving that he is caring about the comfort of his life.
The narrator seems to be a person who will find someway to be successful in life and will work hard to get there. She seems to know mostly everything she needs to be successful for instance she say's according to Benson (pg.4) "Before all the ruin and waste came, we Dinka people had cows as a source of wealth and were very proud of them. To be rich, a man needed to own more than 150 head of cattle".

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