Tuesday, August 2, 2011


My first impression about the book that i picked was that it was going to be good in very interesting. this book is about a noy in his father so far that i know of. the boy wants to become a Zen master. "I wanted to become a Zen master because i thought it would impress my father". The boy also says that "wanted to become a Zen master because i hoped perfect enlightenment would make me more popular" page 8-9. the boy was different because outside of his classmates he wanted to follow in the footsteps of the ancient masters.One thing about the boy is that he adored his loved meaning he loved him very much so. Although he seemed to be unhappy and with his father been depressed for whatever reason. I like the characters in this book because they seem to be very interesting with the things that go on that have happened within there lives. They are or seem to be good people but are just wanting to find there way through life and to get something out of life. I chose this book because when ms.danielle explained all three of the book i was just really paying attention to try in see to figure out which one i wanted or that i think i would like based on what she said about all of the three books. In it just so happens that LOST IN PLACE was the one that i found to be most interesting so i thought why not get it in really read in see for myself what its about. Although this is not normally the type of book that i would read. This is different from most of the books that i read because of the author in what the book is about. My books are not about the same thing or i really dont know of this author of this book. This drew me to the book because people look at me dfifferent too and sometimes i look at myself as in outsider which is why i choose this book.

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