Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The First impression of Ms Sarah Vowell.

What i first thought about the book as that Sarah and her family are a very stranger diffferent family. Her and her farther dont really see eye to eye and there both different when it comes to poltics. Her father is obbseddes with guns. She had to move guns out of her way just to be comforable. She said " I Had to move Revolers out of my way to room for a bowl of rice Krispies on the kitchen table." He has guns all over the house like they live in a gun shop or something. Sarah really doesnt like the feel of having guns at first but then she starts to get into it because she wants to impress certain people. Her father to me seems sort of reble and seems like a soilder. When they were in the kitchen here father heard a noise and she said " He grabed a BB gun and he rushed out the front door and started shooting at crows." Honestly i think her father iss a little crazy or really wants to shot people like he is in a combat war or something. Like i said before there policatical views are so different that on sarah said " On election day my dad cheerfully informed me that he had cancelled out her vote. Why would your fatther d that to his daughter. Thats like tellingher well you cant be a different person because your living in my house.

If sarah and her family showed up to my house for dinner i honeslty would be like Um what can i do for you guys. I dont want you in my house , ( even thought it wuould be a awarkward dinner for me and my family ) . But i might would be nice enough to tell them i would be fine if you guys came in. it just would be a very awarked situation.

I chose the book becuase i like humor books. I hate reading books with situations that dont have a problemor any funny thing happening to them. Its like reading a wall ( Blank) No plot , theme or entertainment. Thats why i chose the book.

&& I can also relate to sarah because have have My dad & uncles that Love guns , know everything about guns, and will carry it everywhere & even taught me how to shot them.

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