Monday, August 1, 2011

Mario Ballesteros

Hey everyone! My name is Mario Ballesteros; I’m from Ashburn, Virginia. I am 19 and about to turn 20 in September. I skipped a year after I graduated high school so I can travel coast to coast entering events and exploiting my name and crew. I represent two crews that are from Virginia, one of them is called “Mentally Unstable” and the other one is named “Lionz Of Zion”.

Ever since I was young I always loved to make short little movies with close friends. I always was ready and on time whenever we were going to start filming. That’s why I came here to Columbia, to expand my knowledge in cinematography. Although my major is Cinematography I’m also looking forward to learn about different dance styles while I’m here in Columbia.

Like I said before, I’m from Virginia and I have always lived there my entire life. This is the first time that I am actually living somewhere completely different then what Virginia is. Back home its country and you would have to have a car if you want to go to places and meet up with your friends. Here in Chicago, it’s completely different. I love the fact that you can take the train and buses to basically go anywhere you want! This is a whole new experience for me that I’m already starting to love.

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