Monday, August 1, 2011


Well hello my name is Krystal Allen u can call me Krissy if u want but any who let me tell you a little something about myself I went to Hirsch Metro High School it was a good school but some of the students there were kind of crazy… Some of the stuff I like to do when I’m bored with my life is talk on the phone I can talk somebody ear off if I wanted to or shop i love to shop (well any girl love to shop). I also love to read one of my favorite book is After I Met a boy By Crystal Winston. People say I’m mean but I’m not I just don’t like when people don’t respect me if I respect you u should respect me then we would good. I’m a very kind hearted if u need me I will be there for u no matter what so if you need a friend that u need to talk to about your problem then I’m you girl ;) I love to enjoy life and live life to the fullest. Thats all for now Have a great day

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