Monday, August 1, 2011


My name is Bianca ! i am 20 years old and I am a very creative and active person. I like to do gymnastics, play basketball and play different kind of sports. The Best thing i know how to do is Draw. I like to draw and paint alot. I also like to play video games and watch tv. My favorite cartoon show is Family guy. Its really hilarious ! When you really get to know me im a very nice person. I act silly at times and im a very loud person lol. On my free time i like to watch movies alot. Comedy movies r the best ! Action movies sometimes are cool. But if Im watchin a romantic movie it'll make me fall asleep. I also have 3 sisters and a brother. My twins little sisters are a pain! They yell, scream, and make me mad a lot! My brother is very nice , he gives me things and lets me drive his car. My older sister is cool too, she likes to brag a lot and her life. But no one cares. But anyways more about me I really want to go to Columbia College! This school seems really fun and  they have a lot of majors you can choose from. So basically you know alittle bit about me, and what kinda person I am So comment please.

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