Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 2 Question: Perrin

This is your second Bridge blog assignment. Usually, two of you you will come up with the blog questions. However, since we are still new to this, I'll provide today's prompt.

Blog about your first impressions of the book you chose.

Using examples from the text, consider your first impressions of the characters. Do you like them? Why or why not? What kinds of people are they? What can you tell us about them we don't already know (something that may not be available on the surface). If you relate to a character, tell us why.If you can't stand a character, tell us that, too. Imagine a character from your book has been transported off the pages, into the real world, and shows up at your house for dinner; how does that go down?

Secondly, tell us a why you chose the book you chose. What about it appealed to you? Is this normally the kind of book you read? How is it similar to or different from some of your favorite books? What is it about YOU that drew you to this book?

Answer these questions in a 300-word response. Use examples from the text! BE creative. BE interesting. DIG deep. Nothing is off limits.

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