Monday, August 1, 2011

Julia Alvarado

There were days when I never even stepped foot outside. My mother would be scared that I would get infected with something or even get dirty. Spending nights in the hospital was the nights that I wished to be outside most. Being a sick kid growing up made everything more complicated. I was my mother's only child who she adopted when she was so young, so she would protect me from what seemed like "THE WHOLE WORLD!" I found most of my joys in the days spent traveling with my grandma. Thelma and Luis... That was my grandma and I all through my years. Not much changed till I grew up a little and enter high school.

With a constant busy schedule with color guard that was year around and going to a college prep school there was no time for play. Spent a lot of time wondering when there was ever gonna be a break for me. I was just always so busy. Throughout all of my high school years I felt like my life was written out for me and my fate was sealed. It was like I was looking down at the whole world not knowing when I was going to be just me!

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