Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 3: Response to Kevin's question

In "They Poured Fire on Us From the Sky" my main characters are all brothers that come from the same family, but relate to their families in different ways. Benson relates to his family by understanding and practicing the idea of wealth. He understands that it is the cows that bring wealth to his family therefore he sometimes plays games that reflect the meaning of maintaining wealth. "We pretend that those nuts were our cattle and the boy who had the most nuts was the most powerful that day." (pg.3) Alepho relates to his family by basically being the oposite of what his family was. While his family would participate in the daily duties of the day Alepho would complain and blame others for why things were the way they were. "I tried to prove everyone wrong." (pg. 12). Benjamin I must say fits in with his family quiet well. His family is very big on bravery and what bravery means. "My mother wore the radiating five-line scarification mark on her forehead as a sign of bravery." (pg. 3). Benjamin made sure that no matter how he really felt inside that he showed his father and mother that he was just as brave as all the other warriors from his village. "I wanted to go too. It was my lion and I wanted to be the one to kill it..." (pg.22)

As for me I don't fit in my family at all. Being adopted isn't even what makes me feel that way either surprisingly. I love my family, but I share nothing in common with them. With my family I tend to stick to myself during family gatherings because I just don't want to deal with the crap that they give me. The morals that they have is like not having any at all and me being a very morally correct person it just gets fustraiting. My family is content to adding up to nothing and they expect for us all to be like that. Well that's just not me. I want to make the best life as I possibably can. I'm not going to be like them and be a low life.

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