Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 3: Nicoles responce to Kevin and Eddie

Resonce to Kevin:
In the book Lost In Pace, I have learned the author Mark is a very loving and passionate person. He has a hard time socializing with other kids in his class, but in the book he assures that he is very comfortable around his family. His father is what inspires him to push himself to be the best he can be. He goes into detail explaining his father’s ambitions and traits his father carries on page 9. Also on page 9, he admits “I wanted to prove myself by doing something my father couldn’t do, but like most boys, I thought my father could do anything.”. In the book mark explains himself to be the outcast from everyone else that’s why some people, including his younger brother and sister, this he is odd. On page 19 Mark begins to explain the biggest difference between him and his father. He says “The biggest difference between me and my father was he was a natural pessimist who expected the worst as a matter of course, while I am a synthetic pessimist, someone who tries to protect himself from disappointment by convincing himself that pessimists have the right idea.”
Like Mark, I get along well with my family. My mom in particular. She is my motivation and I hate to see my mom disappointed. So I do everything in my power to impress her and make her proud. My mother and I share many of the same traits and manners and I take it as a huge compliment when people tell me I look or act like her. I think everyone can relate to their family in some way simply because the fact that they were the ones who raised you and watched you grow.

Responce to Eric:

In society today many people are judged. Some people hate to be judged and some don’t mind and think of it as constructive criticism. In the book Lost in Place, Mark has a dream to become many different things including a Kung Fu Ninja. Being as tiny as he is, many people did not believe in him. But Mark had the ambition and drive to prove people wrong that not many other people have. In Chapter 2 he begins to take Kung Fu lessons and when he walked in a lot of people underestimated him including the master. They laughed and teased him because of what he was wearing and what he looked like. A character named Bill encouraged Mark by saying “They’re laughing’ now, but if you stick with it, you might be kicking their asses in a couple years, and who’ll be laughing’ then?”
I can relate to Mark because growing up many people thought I couldn’t dance because to them, I was just the little shy white girl. But after proving myself at a dance party that I really could dance many people respected me. It felt so good to prove them wrong and break the stereotype. Now the same people who said I couldn’t dance are asking me to teach them. This goes to show that underestimating someone can be a bad thing because when you get proved wrong you look and feel like a complete ass.

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